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Atendo homens de todas as idades acima de 18 anos, independente de orientação sexual, profissão, estado civil, seguimento religioso ou diretrizes políticas. O serviço é dedicado exclusivamente ao público masculino adulto. Homens que vivem uma vida agitada com uma rotina tediosa e estressante num mundo duramente real: transito caótico, cobranças do chefe, metas a alcançar... a pressão de compromissos familiares e a cobrança interna de ser responsável por si e seus dependentes. O perfil de cliente que em teoria nunca teria tempo de passar um tempo dedicado só a si mesmo.

I serve men of all ages above 18 years, regardless of sexual orientation, profession, marital status, religious follow-up or political guidelines. The service is dedicated exclusively to the adult male audience. Men who live a hectic life with a tedious and stressful routine in a harsh real world: chaotic transit, charges from the boss, goals to achieve ... the pressure of family commitments and the internal charge of being responsible for you and your dependents. The client profile that in theory would never have time to spend a dedicated time alone.


O estúdio oferece serviços de spa urbano, uma tendência que tem crescido nas grandes cidades, um lugar reservado para se livrar do stress e da tenções do dia a dia. O serviço contempla homens que desejam aliviar tensões físicas ou emocionais sendo tocados por outro homem. A sessão e o local são preparados para romper com a atmosfera externa e receber um cliente de cada vez para recarregar as baterias, revitalizar o corpo, a libido e a auto estima. O atendimento é particular e privilegia o cuidado em pequenos detalhes, cada pormenor que transmita ao cliente um luxo emocional. Cercando ele de uma de atenção que o faça romper com o mundo exterior e vivenciar a experiência singular de um local e um momento exclusivamente preparados só para si.


The studio offers urban spa services, a trend that has grown in big cities, a place set aside to get rid of tension and day to day stress. The service contemplates men who wish to relieve physical or emotional tensions by being touched by another man. The session and venue are set to break with the outside atmosphere and receive one customer at a time to recharge the batteries, revitalize the body, libido and self-esteem.


The attention is particular and privileges the care in small details, every detail that transmits to the client an emotional luxury. Surrounding him with an attention that makes him break with the outside world and experience the singular spot and moment exclusively prepared for himself.


Na galeria abaixo disponho fotos recolhidas na internet para que você possa eventualmente se identificar com os tipos físicos expostos e entender que eu vou te tratar bem acima de qualquer preconceito.

In the gallery below I have photos taken on the internet so that you can eventually identify with the exposed physical types and understand that I will treat you well above any  

Review by an American Client.

“Service was amazing and Therapist is very talented and knows his craft very well. I highly recommend him. Service is one of the best I’ve had. If you are a tourist be advised you cannot just walk into his shop for an appointment. It is important that you call in advance to make a reservation and so that the Therapist can provide you specific instructions for arrival and access into therapy area. It will be helpful to speak a little Portuguese to make the appointment but Therapist does speak some English. He is very helpful and willing to assist in any way he can. Again, I highly recommend him. He also has a website fully proving information on him and his services and he also has an English section on his site which is very helpful.”

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